Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Royal Wedding vs. Royal Wedding?
For some reason people well some entertainment writers and TV stations (E!) to be exact keep comparing "the Royal Wedding of the Century", that lovely couple from across the pond to a "royal wedding" here in the U.S. where we have no monarchy and it is listed in the history books, and on documentary specials of Camelot, Jacqueline and Jack Kennedy "the closest the U.S. will have to royalty." And some have said "Jackie Kennedy was like an American Princess." With that said, how in the world can there be a "royal" anything if you get famous off a sex tape? Not to mention constantly whoring yourself and your family out for attention, and selling your wedding to E! to make even MORE money. Whereas, that lovely couple donated a million to their favorite charities, and asked guests not to bring any wedding gifts. I know having 2.5 billion people watch a wedding must have irked her mad, and that's just counted by TV sets, and viewers streaming on their phones and internet, we're not even including the people that had parties and invited MORE people to watch the Royal Wedding. Yes I'm talking about that couple, that person, who thinks she's royal in her head and has convinced family and friends of hers that it's the "royal wedding" people will talk about. Once again a lot of the comments I have read pretty much said the same thing; there is no comparing, who cares, Kate/Wills are classy, I give them 8 months, etc. etc. And having your wedding cake the same as the Royals and have Lindsay Lohan show up in a white dress like the lovely, Pippa, and wear the EXACT same dress Pippa wore to the wedding reception but Lindsay wore it in white...really? Can you so originality? I thought your wedding was supposed to be of your dreams and not someone else's? Oh not to mention Temperley who designed Pippa's dress say they were honored and wanted to give the dress to her, but true to classy form, Pippa insisted on buying it, when Lindsay wanted the dress, they sold it to her and said nothing. I'm saying this it is August 2011, by August 2012 there will be a "honeymoon" special and another reality show of life as a married woman that will be on E! Mark my words! Since E! are intent on comparing the down to earth, classy couple, to this travesty of a "celebrity" couple. I will say this....never mind, I'll let class speaks for itself.
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